New York City Postpartum Doula & Lactation Support

Postpartum doesn’t get enough attention.

Reasons post-partum support might be right for you

You do not have a current support system nearby and would like someone to take on a full-time support role.

You have help, but everyone’s got a lot on their plate (and are also probably sleep deprived!) so you could use additional support.

You are recovering from a challenging labor or experiencing difficulties with feeding, sleep, or newborn care and would like expert support.

the best parenting hack is asking for help.

support is vital.

“Part of taking care of your baby is taking care of yourself.”

–jenna bradley

postpartum doula & lactation support

inquire for pricing

Expert guidance for your healing and newborn care.

    • One hour consultation

    • One hour postpartum planning session and room set-up

    • Infant care: feedings, burping, changing, soothing, massage, putting to sleep

    • Adult needs: massage, birth processing, access to resource list, education

    • Home care: nourishing meal prep, laundry, light housework, tidying, and organizing

    • Sibling integration: help older sibling(s) grow to love their new family member, coach family members to adjust to new routines

    • Access to my curated resource list

    • Access to educational materials

    • Availability for questions and concerns throughout pregnancy via phone and email

  • Lactation support

    • Help with latching

    • Milk supply increase

    • Breast and nipple soreness relief

    • Baby weight concerns

    • Supplementation plans

    • Clogged milk ducts

    • Engorgement

    • Induced lactation

    • Relactation

    • Feeding techniques

    • Weaning

    • Bottle-feeding

    • Breastmilk pumping

    • Back-to-work transitions

    • Hours can be booked in packs of 10 hours (minimum)

    • Hours are broken up into 4-6 hour sessions

    • Payment plans available.

    • Sliding scale also available for those in need. Reach out and let’s work something out. We believe everyone who wants support should be able to get it.

“Aixa was the best support I could wish for. She knew when I needed encouragement, but also love and attention. Any future parents would be lucky to her as a doula.”

Ayla Eloy


  • Your birth doula package includes one postpartum visit. This is the breakdown for extended visits which can be bought in packages of a minimum of 10 hours (spaced out at 4-6 hours a day)

  • Yes. Overnight rates vary.

  • Yes, my postpartum rate includes lactation and feeding support. Because babies need to eat every 2-3 hours around the clock and they take a long time to feed at first, feeding tends to dominate one’s postpartum journey. I include this as part of all of my packages since it’s a common source of support needed for parents.

A Supported Transition into Parenting

Let us know what kind of support you’re looking for and we’ll be happy to figure out how we can help.